Can You Feel the Shift of the Seasons?

Karen Wan
3 min readJun 29, 2020
Learning to align with the seasons is an important aspect of Mindful Earthkeeping

We just finished one of the intense Springs in our global human history. Never before have so many people suffered together, and looked for different solutions to bring back health. In America, we have been floundering, and there will be many lessons learned from this pandemic.

How might you listen to and feel the energies that are swirling in our world?

There is a different energy coming into the world as we move into July. It’s not just because of the hugely transformative year that we have had in the first six months.

In the Spring of 2020, we collectively learned as a global community the importance of cleansing. If you’re like me, you wash your hands more than you ever did before. And you’re way more cautious than you were a year ago.

If you were attuned to the earth and yourself, you might have started feeling a need for cleansing before the pandemic started. We were talking about the need for an earth renaissance in my Earthkeepers Corner group before the year started.

While none of us would have predicted a global pandemic, it felt to many of us that the Earth is demanding that we clean up our ways.

We humans have a lot to clean up whether it’s social justices or the environment, because of the toxic prosperity that we have been creating for several hundred years. The shadow side of our prosperity, particularly in America, has been rising up this year. Our nation needs to see how destructive the prosperity we’ve been creating has been for many people and the planet.

Are you Part of the Shift?

Our opportunity in 2020 and beyond is to create a more healing prosperity for all people. This is no easy task to be done overnight.

My guess is that you are part of the clean-up team.

Those of us on the clean-up team have to understand how we create and expand healing prosperity in our lives and communities. We are dismantling destructive prosperity, sometimes very slowly. We often can’t see the results of our work, but we must listen to the call to be mindful earthkeepers.

Maybe you can feel new energies and themes emerging in this next season as I do. The intensity of the first half of the year is not ending.

However, something else is coming in. We are part of that new energy and new ideas, and we can expand upon it with the help of the earth.

The opportunity to flow through the rest of the year is available to each of us.

That’s the big focus for the second half of the year in my work, and maybe it is for you as well.

In the Earthkeepers Corner, we’re starting this focus on flow by celebrating the theme of Early Harvest in July.

How might you flow into some early harvesting now?

Early harvest is not just a harvesting of fruits and vegetables. In nature and gardening, it’s also a time of harvesting seeds, and planting new ones. This month can be a time of early harvesting in your life, work and business.

Here are some ideas on how to flow into Early Harvest:

  • Notice what is ready to be harvested, and celebrate it.
  • Look for healing prosperity in your life.
  • Create healing prosperity for someone else.
  • Give thanks for all the good in your life.
  • Collect seeds for planting later.
  • Plant some seeds to be harvested in the autumn.
  • Connect with nature and the earth on a daily basis.

We begin July with the celebration of Independence Day in the United States. It is typically a celebration of our early harvests when we have picnics and barbecues and family gatherings.

Allow yourself to rest in the next few days. Celebrate that we are awakening to our shortcomings so that we can become a better nation.

As much as you can in July and through the rest of the year, relax into a healing prosperity that allows you to do your work while dealing with the intense challenges of this year in new ways.



Karen Wan

Karen is a writer and founder of the Mindful Earthkeeper, with over 15 years of managing sustainability projects for business and communities.